Life coaching is a relationship in which coaches help clients design their future, create visions and goals for various aspects of their lives, and implement multiple strategies to support the achievement of those goals. Coaches tend to emphasize and focus on their clients’ strengths and personal power to discover their own solutions. Life coaches assist people to discover what they want in life and unlock their own brilliance to achieve it.  Life coaching is about people generating their own answers, not looking outside of themselves for solutions.  Coaches encourage clients to think and say new thoughts, experience new emotional, mental, and spiritual states, and try and do new behaviors.  Coaches provide support, accountability, understanding, acceptance, motivation, and positive regard. Coaching can be a short term or longer term relationship between coach and client, depending on your goals.

ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as:

Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.


  • Core 100 Life Coach Certification program from Robbins-Madanes Training, led by Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha.
  • Masters degree (MS) in Psychology from California State University, Chico.
  • Bachelor’s degree in cybernetics (communication within systems) from University of California, Los Angeles
  • 14 years of experience in the helping professions, including coaching and psychotherapy.

Life coaching benefits

Coaching is a broad profession with many specializations. I see each client holistically, taking into account their mind, body, heart, and spirit, and all facets of their life situations, including their resources as well as limitations. I believe that we’re all in a continuous process of growth, and also are never “finished” growing, because it is human nature to set a new goal once we’ve achieved an old one. Goals that I help clients with include:

  • Greater self-awareness
  • More life-enhancing choices and decisions
  • Self-acceptance and true confidence
  • Resilience for overcoming life challenges
  • Improving relationships and connection to others
  • Discipline, temperance, willpower, and focus
  • Forming and maintaining healthy life habits
  • Using energy more efficiently to increase productivity
  • Greater inner-peace
  • Creating and finding personal meaning and purpose
  • Gratitude and appreciation for life
  • Spiritual growth

These goals are achieved through various coaching interventions, including:

  • Active listening and productive inquiry with a “beginner’s mind” (openness to new possibilities)
  • Empathic and compassionate understanding
  • Suspending judgment and approaching problems and challenges from a place of curiosity and acceptance of what is, while moving towards what could be
  • Reframing (creating and introducing new, more helpful ways of thinking about the same situation)
  • Teaching skills of mindfulness and meta-cognition
  • Collaboratively setting, monitoring, and periodically updating goals
  • Prioritizing your agenda while making informed suggestions
  • Spontaneous curiosity and creative inquiry

Coaching requirements

Besides the fee and an internet connection or phone, you only need to have changes that you want to make for yourself and openness to new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.


My coaching fee is $110 USD per 50-minute coaching session.

Getting started

I offer a free, 10-30 minute consultation to discuss your coaching goals and needs and whether or not I am likely to be the right coach for you. Use this form to contact me and I will reach out with appointment options.